Main Meals / January 22, 2017

Whole Food Plant Based Lasagna…No Way

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Lasagna without meat, sure why not.  Lasagna without cheese, impossible…right?

Wrong!  I was skeptical too, but this lasagna recipe is so amazing, that you may never eat a meat and cheese filled lasagna again.  I’m not going to lie, this takes a little bit of work to make, but is definitely worth it.  This would be a great recipe for a crowd or for freezing leftovers for later.

Here is what we are making:

When I first shared this picture on social media it was a huge hit and people were asking for the recipe.  I also got a lot of comments about this being “comfort food”.  I started to think about the concept of comfort food.  Why do we turn to food for comfort?  As a culture, how did we get into this habit of eating when we are nervous, sad, stressed, or otherwise in need of comfort?  Is it at all surprising that we are such an obese nation?  Here is some free life advice: find a different way to comfort yourself and let food be an experience to nourish your body.  My top recommendations for self comfort and stress management are meditation, mindfulness, yoga, physical exercise, and artistic expression (drawing, painting, zen-doodling, music, etc).  Patients often look at me like I have 5 heads when I suggest doing yoga or meditation, but after a while they figure out that I am serious and many give it a try.  Sometimes I even practice meditation in the office with patients.  If you have never meditated before, here is an easy way to start:  sit in a comfortable position, rest one or both of you hands on your belly, however you are comfortable.  Close your eyes, gently take a breath in, and say the word soft.  Exhale fully and say belly.  Then repeat for however long you would like.  If your mind wanders invite it back to the meditation.  If your mind is wandering towards lasagna right now, I don’t blame you.  Ok, back to the food.

There are 3 components of the dish that need to be made before we can construct this lasagna.
1. Tofu “ricotta cheese”
2. Basil pesto
3. Spinach and mushroom filling

Do yourself a favor and cook your noodles while you are at the stove making the spinach and mushroom filling…you know since you are standing there anyway.

Remember that food is nourishing your body, not for comforting your mind.

Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G


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