Main Meals / July 23, 2017

Mushroom and Black Truffle Risotto

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Risotto!  Not exactly summer food, I’ll give you that one…I’m making it anyway.

While on a trip with my family earlier this summer, we ate at an Italian restaurant that happened to have a mushroom risotto on the menu.  I asked for the chef to make it without cheese (though it did still have chicken broth…compromise people), and it turned out to be a hit.  Even without the cheese it was creamy and so satisfying.  My family members were all asking for a taste.  When I got home, I decided that I had to recreate this recipe.

The ingredients seemed simple enough, arborrio rice, mushrooms, broth…and truffles.  Fresh truffles cost an arm and a leg, and I knew that I would never be able to use the whole thing.  I have some truffle salt that I picked up on a trip to Chelsea Market in NYC, but I wanted a strong truffle flavor without adding a ton of salt.  So the hunt for truffle oil began…

Luckily, a few days after I got back from my trip, I went on a mini-vacation for the 4th of July.  I was visiting Portsmouth, NH for the long weekend and found a specialty food shop that happened to have some black truffle infused olive oil.  Score!  I also found lots of fun plant based treats, all kinds of teas, and a local market that sells my favorite deodorant (Schmidt’s) while I was strolling around Portsmouth.  Anyway, the truffle oil worked perfectly for this dish, so that is what I am going to use in the recipe below.  If you can’t find truffle oil in your local store, check out  They sell everything there.  If you are looking for an oil free option, try to find a truffle salt (since you will have to add some salt to this dish anyway), minced jarred black truffles, or fresh truffles if you can get your hands on them.

Behold this glorious dish:


While you are on the hunt for truffle oil, try to find some brown Arborrio rice as well (they have that on too, I checked).  Brown rice is better than white rice for our waistlines, blood sugar, and cardiovascular health.  Check out this video for more details.


Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G


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